Home mooring

We left at 6:30 this morning and arrived back at 11:00. Karen and Simon have just arrived back after their London trip. We went over to Bath Tub for a cup of tea and then set off for home.

Hawford locks

Another 7:30 start and, having turned all the locks again, arrived at Sainsbury’s in Kidderminster to do a bit of shopping. We had been following two Black Prince boats who were the most competent. So we thought that it would take a while to get through the staircases, but they both stopped on the services


We managed to wind at the bottom of the locks and set off back down the canal. Most of the locks were against us today. We were heading for Wolverley court lock, one of our favourite moorings. But was very hot and there is no shade there, so we stopped under the trees at Wolverley

The Bratch

A really easy day today. All the locks were in our favour. We left Kinver at 7:15 and arrived here at 12. There was only one space in the middle of the offside moorings, but it was fine. A lazy afternoon followed by a barbeque and then a walk. The day rounded off with a


It has been really hot today. We set off early at 7:30 and had to turn almost all the locks as we were following a Dutch couple. He was very friendly and chatty, her less so. We arrived at KInver at 1 o’clock for lunch, found a nice mooring in the shade and decided to


Our plans have had to change because Rob cancelled our Avon trip at the last minute. So we decided not to waste the available time and go for a short trip up the S&W. It’s been a long day today. We left home at 8:15, after topping up the water etc we left the marina

Stoke Prior

Everyone was awake early. We had breakfast and set off at 8:45. Up the three locks and left at the junction. A stop just above the second lock to walk to Hanbury Hall, where tea, coffee and cakes were consumed. We walked back to the boat for lunch then set off again. After winding at

In The Marina

We are here to celebrate Mike’s birthday. We arrived in time for a late lunch. I topped up the stern gland grease, refilled the water and we awaited our guests. They came soon after 5. We wined, dined, chatted and were all in bed by 10!