
Queues, queues and more queues! Last night’s sunset. We started off at just before 7:30. It was a bit chilly but very pleasant climbing the Napton flight. We haven’t  been this way for 11 years. The top pound below Marston Doles was almost empty, with only just enough water to bump along the bottom. Water buffalo


A great day’s boating today, though it started off a little odd. We did the first lock on our own, then spotted a boat just in front of us. We caught them up at the second of the Fosse locks. We almost wish we hadn’t. It was a scruffy old boat with loads of junk

Radford Semele

A busy day today with 23 locks done. We set off about 8:30 and arrived at the top of the Hatton flight at 9:55. Just under 3 hours later we were at the bottom. We shared all the locks with a single hander, so for just three of us it was pretty good going. Our

Bridge 63 Grand Union

A day of different styles of travelling today. We drove up to BBCC last night, moved the boat down to the bridge by the Black Buoy pub and unloaded our stuff. Then we went to the pub for our evening meal. I did quite well, they had run out of what I ordered so they

Trains and boats and ……

Now back home for a few days after a journey consisting of walk, bus, train, walk, bus, walk, car ! The boat is safely moored up at Black Buoy Cruising Club. We’ll pick her up next week after a trip made up of car, car, walk, bus, train, bus, walk! @nbjustheaven

Black Buoy Cruising Club

Now moored up on the Grand Union at Black Buoy Cruising Club( The very friendly folk here have agreed to look after JH for us for a week. We heard this morning that our mooring at Cropredy won’t now be available until August 31st. So we have had to change our plans a little.

Dickens Heath

Hot day today! though it didnt start out that way. We woke early so decided to get going and were on our way by 7:00. It was grey and overcast. A pleasant cruise round to Windmill end and then through Netherton tunnel. We chose to take the Old Main Line route into Birmingham rather than

Merry Hill shopping centre

Now moored just above the Merryhill Shopping centre. 30 locks today, mostly in the rain! Part way up the Stourbridge 16 a guy turns up on a bike and starts to help us. He came with his own windlass and anti-vandal key. It seems that he just likes helping out boaters. He worked ahead for

Stourport, on the river

A bit of shopping in Droitwich (good wool shop at then off down the barge canal in lovely sunshine. There were more boats about today, we met three hire and two private boats coming up as we made our way down to the Severn. I enjoyed the barge canal this time more than previously.

Netherwich basin

An interesting day today! We awoke to a clear blue sky so decided to head on up the canal towards Hanbury junction in case the Droitwich was now open. A check on the stoppages website later in the morning said that it was. A short stop for breakfast just north of Tibberton then up to