Near Ventnor farm
14 miles 8 locks
A day of mixed weather fortunes, some sunshine, but also some rain.
We had our usual early breakfast, but just before we set off at 7:30 another boat came down the flight, so we had to turn every one except the last one. Here there was a volunteer on duty who filled the lock as he saw us approach.
The five mile stretch between Napton and Bruanston junctions used to be very familiar to us when our share boat Symphony was based at what is now Stockton Top marina. It was good to re-familiarise ourselves.
At just before noon we went to talk to Christine at AJ and discussed materials, colours, windows etc and arranged for them to come out to Cropredy to measure up for the new cratch cover and a new tonneau cover for the stern.
Retracing our route to Napton junction in the afternoon to moor up just outside of Ventnor Farm marina.