Droitwich Marina

The trip down the river was fairly uneventful, but coming up the Droitwich canals to the marina we got absolutely soaked. The weather was cold and windy at first, but warmed up a bit by 11:30. Waitrose in Vines park provided lunch, then just as we had finished it started to rain. The forecast said

Stourport, on the river

A bit of shopping in Droitwich (good wool shop at www.emmshaberdashery.co.uk) then off down the barge canal in lovely sunshine. There were more boats about today, we met three hire and two private boats coming up as we made our way down to the Severn. I enjoyed the barge canal this time more than previously.

Netherwich basin

An interesting day today! We awoke to a clear blue sky so decided to head on up the canal towards Hanbury junction in case the Droitwich was now open. A check on the stoppages website later in the morning said that it was. A short stop for breakfast just north of Tibberton then up to

Diglis basin

A cold grey morning to start with, but we were away by 8:00. In Vines Park there are several swing bridges across the canal. The locking mechanisms could do with a bit of maintenance as they can be very difficult to open. One of them is across the “Barge Lock”. This is a flood lock

Netherwich Basin

Another cold but bright morning. We set off just after 8:00. Andrew & Sheila came down to help work us through the staircase locks and we set off down river. We arrived at the newly restored Hawford Junction at 11 o’clock. It was great to be at last cruising the water that we had long