Bidford on Avon

In order to give us a better chance of finding a mooring at Bidford we set off early. Unfortunately we were a bit delayed at Evesham lock as we had to wait for a large floating digger to exit the lock. On arrival at Bidford there was only one space, so Bath Tub moored up


The Avon is a lovely river. We haven’t been this way for a few years and it’s good to make our acquaintance again. The locks are all a bit quirky as the were rebuilt by volunteers in the seventies and they used whatever materials they could get hold of! On arriving at tne Recreation ground


Eight o’clock and we were setting off down the river. It had rained heavily overnight and we were still getting odd showers. The trip down the Severn from Worcester to Tewkesbury isn’t particularly interesting! There is not much to see because of tne high flood banks. On arrival at Avon lock we had a bit


Drove up to arrive at the marina just after 10 o’clock. As we were unloading Simon brought The Bath Tub down to tie up temporarily nearby. Then, after topping up the water we set off. A short stop in Droitwich for shopping followed by a pleasant run down to the Severn and on to moor

Droitwich Marina

There were lots of hire boat about yesterday afternoon, so we though it would be a good idea to set off early to avoid queues. Our idea of early is earlier than Josh and Georgia’s idea of early. So it was about 8:30 when we set off. It’s six miles and eight locks from last

Blackpole Bridge

Today’s plan was to give Georgia’s parents a river and canal trip. We moved down stream a bit from the racecourse mooring to just below Sabrina bridge. Paul & Wendy arrived about 9:30 and after tea & coffee we chugged upstream slowly to show them the river. Wendy had a go at steering and did


We were about to set off this morning when two Black Prince hire boats came past going rather slowly. So we waited 10-15 minutes for them to get ahead and then set off slowly. But we still caught them up before the first lock. This meant that we would have to follow them through all

Netherwich Basin

We are back for a few days with grandson Josh and granddaughter-in-law Georgia. Arrived at the marina, unpacked, had a quick lunch then set off. It hasn’t been raining for quite a while so I thought that we would get under the M5 tunnel with ease, but actually the anchor did just touch the roof

Droitwich marina

An early start, away by 7:30, the weather was sunny and warm after the night’s heavy rain. We didn’t meet any boats until the Otherton flight, then we passed three. One was a hire boat with a crew who clearly hadn’t been trained well by the hire company. Back to the marina at about 1


The plan was to start off early and get to Hempstead bridge about 8 o’clock as they come on duty, then make an early start up the river. The plan was foiled on two counts. Firstly we didn’t get out of bed on time! Secondly Llanthony bridge doesn’t open until 9:00 to allow all the